Saturday, February 17, 2007

Windows VISTA's DRM is the 'longest suicide note in history'.

Windows Vista is the much anticipated next version of the Windows operating system produced by Microsoft Corporation.

According to Microsoft, IT departments will find Windows Vista upgrades easier to deploy and less expensive to maintain than earlier versions of Microsoft Windows. Windows Vista will also offer an enhanced graphical user interface and improved reliability.

But most surprising news that i heard is that Windows VISTA's DRM is the 'longest suicide note in history'.

Copy-protection features in Windows Vista make the operating system more bloated while giving few benefits to end users according to news.

I don't know why most of the operating system specialist are arguing that windows Copy-protection feature is not good enough to protect the data.

I am not a operating system specialist but for me VISTA gives so many features other then this "Copy-protection".There are things to love about Vista. Enhanced search capabilities, a nifty tool called Gadgets and built-in diagnostics are all welcome changes from the old Windows.

May be all the specialist correct and Windows VISTA's DRM is the 'longest suicide note in history' but i really like graphics features of this operating system.

1 comment:

shewal-jain said...

yeh kya ho raha hai....