Friday, March 16, 2007

Who am I ?

As I sit under the dim lights of my living room... at exactly 1 am of this lulling morning... swatting mosquitoes around my pc's corner table... I ask aloud..

Who am I ?

The reverberating silence in the quiet cool of a moonlit night is all that greets me in return...
Accompanied with the buzzing of the fan overhead.. and the "thik thak thok" of the keys on my keyboard.

One more question that comes in mind that.. is this happen with me or its a common thing..
I am sure i will never get the answer... but still i have to live and move ahead... And i am really moving.. no idea where..and why..but still..

Is this the way of living.. I think this is the reality.. and this is the real world...

The world around me is my Reality.
But only as long as this body exists.
When I cease to live,
my reality ceases to exist.

I am my Reality.
I am my World.


1 comment:

Aditi Malhotra said...

n u said u dint write well..

gosh this one rox..i loved the expression in it..

n u hav done full justicce to wat u r..!!!

keep writing
