Monday, October 29, 2007

Cutting chai

Cutting chai.. I think every one familiar with this name, if not than..i am sure he doesn’t know what he had missed.

The greatness of Cutting chai (tea) can not be measured. This cutting tea has its own quality, and more so we can’t prepare it into home, nor we can get it from five star hotels, cafes etc. I still do not know what brand of tea leaves, what kind of sugar or milk they use - best considered as their trade secret. My room mate can prepare wonderful tea but it is totally different from the cutting chai.

When ever I see any khokha (typical name in UP’s local language for “tea stall” ) it reminds me my college days because this is the place where I had spent most of the time of my engineering. Believe me its one of those places where all the rumors starts. This is the place where students discuss hottest topics of college… related to college couples (mine fav time pass) or about professor’s behavior… and even some time about study…

Sitting with girlfriend/friends and having espresso in BARISTA or having the over-hyped mocha in CAFÉ COFFEE DAY comes no close to the cutting chai with friends. Parking bikes in non parking zone and ordering, “Aye chotu 23no ki cutting de, pani kam …fatafat la chal……” And believe me in winter test of cutting chai gets double…lol

Let me stop here becoz things are changed …naa to ab cutting chai hai or naa hi college…but I am sure test of cutting chai wouldn’t change…

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